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What is an emergent education?
When teachers use an emergent curriculum, they are following the interests of the children to determine which materials and activities they will provide so that the choice of learning topics emerges from the children themselves.
What is a play-based program?
Play-based programs use play as their medium of instruction. They take advantage of children’s natural curiosity and interest in exploring and interacting with the world around them. The teacher’s role includes preparing a stimulating environment (in which materials are frequently rotated and changed) and interacting with children during their play to promote their learning and development.
Aren’t larger group teacher-directed activities what every child needs to learn?
Our program focuses on individual and small-group interactions to maximize learning opportunities. Our teachers observe and interact with each child so that they get to know and understand where each child is developmentally. This allows the teacher to tailor their interactions to meet each child’s specific needs.
Why don’t teachers use charts or follow routine methodology for teaching in Braindemics?
The challenge with flashcards is that they promote memorization over understanding while worksheets primarily promote tracing over emergent writing. The research also shows that children quickly tire of these types of experiences and begin to resist or dread being asked to do them. We focus on “hands-on learning” activities that are primarily “open-ended”. We prioritize materials and activities in which the children are fully engaged. Rather than just being told or shown, the children are able to participate and interact using all of their senses. The majority of our materials and activities are open-ended in that they can be explored and used in a variety of ways.
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